38 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Panduan Lokasi Wisata Kota Klaten Dan Akomodasi Berdasarkan Biaya Yang Dimiliki Wisatawan Berbasis Android

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    Today, with the emergence of many new technologies flooding the world of information and technology. Distance and space for people who will not part with the development of technology that the longer the more advanced, a wide range of equipment designed to meet the needs of people that help all human activities all over the world.Tourism or tourism is a journey undertaken for recreation or leisure and also preparations for this activity. A traveler or tourist is someone who travels at least as far as 80 km (50 miles) from his home to recreational purposes, is defined by the World Tourism Organization. The use of GPS and mobile application is necessary especially in tourism tourist sites as a guide.Mobile Application will be made in this study have features to provide guidance based on the cost of tourist sites owned by tourists. With the cost of which is owned, tourists can get information about tourist sites, hotels and public facilities.The implementation of this application is built using the Android SDK, Android Development Tools, and Eclipse IDE. While the programming language used is Java

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigasi (Gi) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa Kelas V Sdn 003 Pasir Bongkal Kecamatan Sei Lala

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    This study was motivated by the fact their most Class V students of SDN 003 Pasir Bongkal Kecamatan Sei Lala did not master the subject matter IPS has learned. The problem of this research is "Does the implementation of cooperative learning model investigation group (GI) can improve learning outcomes IPS Student Class V SDN 003 Pasir Bongkal Kecamatan Sei Lala?". This study aims to improve learning outcomes IPS at Class V SDN 003 Pasir Bongkal Kecamatan Sei Lala through the implementation of cooperative learning model investigation group (GI). This study was conducted in April 2016. The research was Classroom Action Research (PTK) with two cycles. Subjects were 20 people consists of 11 girls and 9 boys. Based on the results of the study are improvement of learning outcomes from a base score of 61.5 increase at UH I to 71.5 with an increase of 16.3%. At UH II increased to 78.25 with an increase of 9.4%. Overall 25.7% increase in learning outcomes. Then of completeness individual and classical, in the first cycle the number of students who pass as many as 13 people by 65% and incomplete 7 by 35%, while in the second cycle the number of students who completed 18 of 90%, while the incomplete 2 by 10%. Then the increased activity of teachers at the meeting 1siklus I by 54.2% in the second meeting of 58.3%. In the second cycle teachers\u27 meeting 1 activity by 70.8% in the second meeting of the second cycle by 75%. While the activities of students at the meeting 1siklus I by 50% in the second meeting of 58.3%. In the second cycle 1 meeting student activity by 75% in the second meeting of the second cycle by 75%

    Hubungan Vulva Hygiene Dengan Pencegahan Infeksi Luka Perineum Pada Ibu Post Partum Di Rumah Sakit Pancaran Kasih Gmim Manado

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    : Vulva hygiene is clean the vulva and the surrounding area in woman who werepatients at parturition or can not do it alone. Vulva hygiene also aims to prevent infection, tostitch the perineal wound healing and for the cleanliness of the perineal. The purpose of thisstudy analyzed the relationship vulva hygiene with prevention of perineal wound infection inthe mother post partum in the Hospital Pancaran Kasih GMIM Manado. The researchdesign used in this research is descriptive analytic design with cross sectional approach. Theresults using the Chi-Square test values obtained significant vulva hygiene, namely P = 0,001< á = 0,05. The conclusions of this research is vulva hygiene relationship with theprevention of wound infection of the perineal in the mother post partum. Suggestion for otherresearchers are expected to conduct further research in orderto be aware of factors otherfactors that affect the prevention of perineal wound infection in the mother post partum

    Pendugaan Nilai Heterosis dan Daya Gabung Beberapa Komponen Hasil pada Persilangan Dialel Penuh Enam Genotipe Cabai (Capsicum Annuum L.)

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    The objective of this study was to estimate the heterosis and heterobeltiosis of thirty chili hybrids, the general combining ability (GCA), and the specific combining ability (SCA) of six chili (Capsicum annuum L.) inbred lines. The experiment was conducted from October 2005 to March 2006 at IPB Experiment Field, Cikabayan, Darmaga. Randomized Complete Blocked Design was used with three replications. All characters were significantly different for heterosis, heterobeltiosis, general and specific combining ability. Significant differences were noted in reciprocal effect for fruit weight, and yield per plant. Hybrid IPB C-2 x IPC C-3 and IPB C-3 x IPB C-1 had positive heterosis and heterobeltiosis values for all variables observed. IPB C-2 showed the highest GCA for yield per plant and fruit length, IPB C-3 and IPB C-7 showed high GCA for yield per plant, fruit length, fruit width, and fruit weight. Crosses having high SCA for all variables observed were IPB C-1 x IPB C-3 and IPB C-2 x IPB C-3. Cross combination of IPB C-2 x IPB C-3 was the best hybrid